Writing Jazz History: The Emergence of a New Genre


  • Mario Dunkel




While very early jazz criticism was often limited to the form of journal articles, music critics in the 1930s started to publish longer books on the music and—as I will argue in my paper—created a new genre: the jazz history.

Author Biography

  • Mario Dunkel
    Mario Dunkel has worked for the Language Center and the American Studies Department of the University of Dortmund since December 2008. His teaching and research interests range from African American cultural history, music, and literature to performative aspects in Modernism and Postmodernism. He just started his dissertation project with the working title “Jazz History: Its Emergence and Development,“ in which he investigates the historiography of jazz. He was a student at Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, in 2005/06 and taught college-level German at Hamilton College, NY (2007/08) before completing his Erstes Staatsexamen“ in English and Music at the University of Dortmund in November 2008.





How to Cite

“Writing Jazz History: The Emergence of a New Genre”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 11, Mar. 2012, https://doi.org/10.5283/copas.125.