Camping with the Stars: Queer Perfomativity, Pop Intertextuality, and Camp in the Pop Art of Lady Gaga


  • Katrin Horn



The article is concerned with the possibility of employing countercultural and subversive strategies in U.S. mainstream media. The concept in question is camp, historically rooted in gay subculture, as performed by pop artist Lady Gaga. She is presented as challenging gender as well as aesthetic norms in her performances via the employment of camp—thus opening her public persona to queer readings.

Author Biography

  • Katrin Horn
    Katrin Horn has earned her M.A. in Theater and Media Studies, American Cultural Studies and English Literature from the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. Currently she is working on her dissertation thesis entitled “Deconstructing Gender Hegemony Queering the Cultural Mainstream: Camp as a subversive strategy in the reception and production of contemporary American popular culture.“ Her fields of interest include Early German and American Film, Women in Film, and Film Theory as well as Queer and Gender Studies, Postmodernism and Popular Culture. Katrin Horn is a fellow of the interdisciplinary Ph.D. program of the German Federal Research Council "Cultural Hermeneutics: Reflections of Difference & Transdifference" and has held conference presentations on Camp, Postfeminist Media and Metatextuality in Popular Culture.





How to Cite

“Camping With the Stars: Queer Perfomativity, Pop Intertextuality, and Camp in the Pop Art of Lady Gaga”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 11, Mar. 2012,