Guest Editors' Editorial 15.1 (2014)


  • Cedric Essi
  • Stephen Koetzing
  • Monika Sauter


Author Biographies

  • Cedric Essi

    Cedric Essi is a PhD candidate and lecturer at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. In 2009 he completed his M.A. in American Studies and also obtained a teaching degree (Staatsexamen) in English and French from the University of Würzburg including an assistant teacher year in Auxerre, France. In his dissertation project “Interracial Family Memoirs“ he draws up a typology of ‘genealogies’ in order to categorize and interrogate the ways in which autobiographical narratives claim kinship across the color line at the turn of the 21st century.

  • Stephen Koetzing
    Stephen Koetzing studied American culture and literature and Iberian studies at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. He earned his MA in 2011 and currently is a fellow in the interdisciplinary doctoral program "Presence and Tacit Knowledge" funded by the German Research Foundation. In his dissertation project, he focuses on the representation of old age/aging, whiteness, and masculinity in contemporary US-American literature. His research interests include gender studies, inter-American studies, American film, and postmodern literature.
  • Monika Sauter

    Monika Sauter, M.A., studied American Cultural Studies and Political Science at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and UCD Dublin. Since 2012 she has been a doctoral student in the interdisciplinary GRF research group that focuses on “Presence & Tacit Knowledge“ at FAU. She is currently working on a dissertation project that examines constructions and enactments of ‘evangelical womanhood’ in contemporary U.S.-American evangelical popular culture.







How to Cite

“Guest Editors’ Editorial 15.1 (2014)”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, June 2014,