Revolution and Cure: Molyneux’s Problem, Denis Diderot’s Letter on the Blind, and Royall Tyler’s The Algerine Captive


  • Andrew Sydlik The Ohio State University



This essay traces the influence of Enlightenment philosophy, specifically Denis Diderot’s Letter on the Blind, on Royall Tyler’s American novel The Algerine Captive. Focusing on the largely overlooked role of disability in the novel, I argue that The Algerine Captive reflects a medical and moral model of disability that draws on Diderot’s representation of blindness as a biological defect and a moral lack. Tyler explores American anxieties over whether the new nation would survive the political divisions pervading the country following the Revolutionary War. While sympathy was touted as a means of unity by both political leaders and authors, Diderot’s Letter and Tyler’s The Algerine Captive reflect the view of blindness as a disruption to sympathy. I interrogate this framework to show how it promotes the necessity of medical and moral intervention to enable both sight and sympathy. According to the novel, sympathy, like sight, can only be achieved through proper training, by learning to “see” others, and the supposed equality and freedoms of America, correctly.

Author Biography

  • Andrew Sydlik, The Ohio State University

    Andrew Sydlik is an English literature PhD student at the Ohio State University, focusing on Disability Studies and nineteenth-century American Literature. His dissertation traces medical and moral frameworks of disability in American fiction and nonfiction from the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth century, touching on such issues as the role of disability in African American literature, the rise of stuttering schools, and the question over whether addiction counts as disability. In addition, Andrew also writes fiction and poetry, some of which explores his own disability experience being legally blind.




How to Cite

“Revolution and Cure: Molyneux’s Problem, Denis Diderot’s Letter on the Blind, and Royall Tyler’s The Algerine Captive”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 18, no. 2, Feb. 2018,