A Polemic


  • Christian S. Berkemeier University of Paderborn



Intended to be food for thought and object of dispute, this brief article sketches the situation and dominating currents in the ongoing debate over a much (ab)used term. The argument follows the deviations and directions of “the postmodern“ through the fields of economics, society, and academic institutions towards a provocative diagnosis and an unsettling forecast beyond Y2K. 

Author Biography

  • Christian S. Berkemeier, University of Paderborn
    CV 2000 Research Grant, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania  2000 Organizes Regional American Studies Conference  Migration and Multiculturalism, University of Paderborn spring 2000 Research Grant, John F. Kennedy-Institute, Free University, Berlin 1999-2000 Substituted Associate Professorship, Dept. of American Studies, University of Paderborn fall 1999  Coordinated American Studies Summer School, Illinois State University, Normal, IL since 1999 Holds Teaching Assignment for Multimedia Didactics, University of Münster 1999 Organized International Conference  The American Dream, University of Paderborn since 1998 Research Assistant at the Department of American Studies, University of Paderborn, Prof. Dr. Peter Freese 1998  Organized the Postgraduate Forum (PGF), University of Münster  fall 1998 Research Stay, University of California, Berkeley  1998 Staatsexamen in English and French, University of Münster Focus of Research Contemporary Fiction, Parody, Literary and Cultural Theory, Visual and Interactive Media, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing.
    Publications "Paul Auster." Metzler Lexikon amerikanischer Autoren. Eds. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2000. "Short Fiction in the 1960s: Donald Barthelme and Postmodern Parody." Turbulent Decade: The American Sixties and Their Legacy.  Eds. Jörg Helbig and Jürgen Heideking. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000.  "Schlafes Bruder: Traum und Tod in neueren Werken Paul Austers, Douglas Couplands und Stanley Kubricks," Sleepless in Brooklyn. Einblicke in das Werk des Erzählers Paul Auster. Eds. Christian Berkemeier, Andreas Lienkamp, and Wolfgang Werth. Münster: LIT, 2000 (forthcoming). 2 "The Semantics of Seduction: The Suggestive Potential of the Journey Motif in Contemporary Advertising," (for a forthcoming anthology). "Cryptopolis: City Codes in Contemporary American Fiction," (for a forthcoming collection of essays). "Inverted Commas"  – Studien zur Parodie in den Fiktionen Donald Barthelmes, Robert Coovers und Ishmael Reeds. Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 2000 (forthcoming). Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Essai sur l'origine de la langue. Trans. Christian Berkemeier. Eds. Alain Deligne and Ulrich Hoinkes. Münster: Nodus, 2000 (forthcoming). 







How to Cite

“Postmodernism.Com: A Polemic”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 1, Mar. 2012,